“Any kind of a first encounter with something is out to make an impact,” reflects Celine Song about the power of first love. The subject lies at the heart of the writer-director’s first feature film, “Past Lives,” in which two people from Korea who had once formed a close relatio...
There might not be a more devastating revelation than the notion that one has fallen in love with someone who could be the right person at the wrong time or location, spurring that endlessly profound feeling of “what could have been.” Writer/director Celine Song’s phenomenal debutPast Live...
Writer-director Celine Song’s feature debut,Past Lives, is absolutely stunning. The film's story is simple, but there is so much beauty in its layers, its performances, and the heart-wrenching and deeply moving connection between its lead characters.Past Livesis incredibly emotional; it touches...
Past Livesrode the momentum of its critical reception and box office success throughout the awards season. ThePast Livescampaign paid off when the film received two Oscar nominations: Best Original Screenplay (Song) and Best Picture. If you enjoyedPast Lives, these three films should be next on...
Past Lives: Directed by Celine Song. With Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, John Magaro, Moon Seung-ah. Nora and Hae Sung, two deeply connected childhood friends, are wrested apart after Nora's family emigrates from South Korea. Twenty years later, they are reunited f
Past Lives Ending Explained: What Nora & Hae Sung's Final Scene Means By Ben Sherlock Jan 25, 2024 Where To Watch Past Lives By Sarah Little Jan 24, 2024 Past Lives Writer & Director Celine Song On Exploring The Concept Of Inyun By Tatiana Hullender Jun 19, 2023 Past Lives Star...
“Past Lives,”the breathtaking, Brooklyn-set romancefrom first-time feature film writer-director Celine Song, slow-boiled into an indie hit for distributor A24 this month through its employment of “radical restraint,” star Greta Lee told TheWrap. But some viewers may be left frustratingly, he...
How Writing for 'Wheel of Time' Influenced Celine Song on 'Past Lives' Image via Amazon I read that you worked on the first season ofWheel of Timeas a staff writer. What did you learn on that series that maybe helped you as a writer that you didn't know before?
First-time feature film writer-director Celine Song makes an assured debut in this three hander that centers on the long-time friendship of the two Koreans and the life Nora has made with Arthur. As the story unfolds, we watch these three lives intertwine in unexpected ways. It is a ...