Past Lives: The Plot A24 Romance, an evocative genrecontinuously prevalent over the yearsbut never gets old, is the pivotal point of the movie. Though surely, it doesn’t stand by itself as its classic pair, drama, is incorporated as well, forming the hybrid of romance-drama, otherwise not...
Movies With 0% On Rotten Tomatoes, Ranked By How Bad They Truly Are Vote 57 Shadow of the Past Michael Medwin, Terence Morgan, Joyce Howard 0 votes Shadow of the Past is a 1950 British crime film directed by Mario Zampi and starring Joyce Howard, Terence Morgan and Michael Medwin. A man...
Set It Upis an obscure (but awesome) Netflix rom-comwhere Charlie and Harper seek to matchmake their two horrible bosses in a bid to free up their lives. The movie offers a unique plot that won over fans due to the pair falling in love as they meddle in the lives of others. The c...
简洁地道的表达 be rotten to the core ■If a person or organization is rotten to the core, it behaves in a way that is not honest or moral 腐败透顶(如果某人或组织腐败透顶,其行为不诚实或不道德) rumble on ■ to continue slowly and steadily for a long time 缓慢而长久地持续;无休止地继续...
and not like what she also was, a murderer who had left something rotten festering as long as it only killed people she didn’t value. “I... think he’s, he’s selling perfumes? He wasn’t strong enough to keep working in magic after the floods like you were, Ellis. He was very...
Take a plot Dickens has used a miser in Christmas Carol because it is theoppositeof the Christmas message. This means that we automatically have conflict. Conflict is at the heart of any plot. It is conflict that causes the action and moves the story along. Quite often it is the main ch...
Kauil’s Treasure is a new single-player adventure-puzzle game where you, the father of a teenage girl named Sophie, need to find your daughter before the horrors behind Kauil’s Treasure find her first. Thus, you’ll have to solve the hardest puzzles...