Whether a person believes in past lives or not, regression can be a useful tool to help the client let go of unexplained fears, phobias and traumas. Past life regression therapy should only be done by qualified hypnotists who have had specialized training in regression. Interested in having yo...
Regression hypnotherapy is an incredibly powerful tool through which a person can make major breakthroughs in solving problems. When it is properly conducted, the person (client) re-lives experiences that are generally unknown to him or her in the fully-conscious state. It’s not “thinking” ab...
Past Life Regression with Self Hypnosis: A Complete Guide A Guide to Uncovering Past Lives: Whether you are a Hypnotherapist wishing to add Past Life Regression to your toolbox of therapies or you are fascinated with the idea of discovering more about your own previous existence this Guide sh...
ME: Are there any other reasons for your mental block? JILL: No. The above is as near to a verbatim as possible of that actual part of the session. When Jill regressed again she could remember how her parents were always quarrelling and not one night was spent at the top of the stair...
I have North Node at 29 Cancer and South Node at 29 Capricorn and I am intrigued to understand what Pluto at 29 Capricorn in combination with my nodes at the same degree means for me? I had few regression therapies since 2018 and managed to close a lot of karmic relationships over that...
Elisa MedhusJanuary 25, 2021inFuture Lives,Past Life Regression,Past lives Many of you have heard of “past life bleed throughs,” meaning events from another life, especially traumatic ones, can be triggered by similar events un our present life. Usually, it’s a past life, but it can ...
Past life regression is a controversial but fascinating concept that has intrigued people for centuries. The idea that we have lived multiple lives and that our experiences in those past lives can influence our present life is a compelling one. While there is no scientific evidence to support the...
would have a hard time staying in the present and focusing on this lifetime. Another reason is it could cause mental illness and other hardships. This is why a past life is only revealed when a person needs it. It’s easier to recall past lives through hypnotic regression and during ...
https://bookme.name/wendyrosewilliams/lite/copy-of-energy-healing-package-of-3-sessions-2nd-and-3rd-session-links-provided-upon-booking *Past-Life Regression/ Between-Lives Packages available *Future Life Progression Client Testimonials: "Wendy, thank you - you are GIFTED!!! (Removing the) bloc...
Future Life Regression NEW! Search The Site Beginner Questions A total beginner should start here. We'll try to help point you in the right direction. What does the afterlife look like? What's some proof for afterlife existence or life after death?