Past Lives: Directed by Celine Song. With Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, John Magaro, Moon Seung-ah. Nora and Hae Sung, two deeply connected childhood friends, are wrested apart after Nora's family emigrates from South Korea. Twenty years later, they are reunited f
Past Lives: Directed by Celine Song. With Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, John Magaro, Moon Seung-ah. Nora and Hae Sung, two deeply connected childhood friends, are wrested apart after Nora's family emigrates from South Korea. Twenty years later, they are reunited f
《过往人生》(英语:Past Lives)是一部2023年美国浪漫剧情片,由席琳·宋编剧兼执导,格蕾塔·李、刘台午和约翰·马加罗主演。本片为宋的长片导演处女作,讲述了两个儿时好友重聚的故事,他们思考着彼此的关系以及自己的日常生活。 基本资料 过往人生 Past Lives 获奖情况 第96届奥斯卡金像奖 (2024) 最佳影片(提名) 大...
(2023) 美国 | 爱情 剧情 | 1小时46分钟 暂未上映不能评分 看过 6想看 片名过往人生 导演 席琳·宋 又名前世姻缘 前度人生 Past Lives 编剧 席琳·宋 剧情 本片讲述一对在韩国相识,过着平行生活的青梅竹马,长大后在美国重逢的故事。演职人员(1) 席琳·宋 Celine Song 导演 编剧 相关资讯 (3)...
(2023) Past Lives DVD and Blu-ray release date was set for September 19, 2023 and available on Digital HD from Amazon Video and iTunes on August 22, 2023. 1 2 3 4 5 Rating: 3.3/5 (54 users) *Please help rate Rating: PG-13imdb: 8.4Runtime: 106Theater dateJune 23, 2023Theater...
Their lives diverge considerably, yet even after twelve years apart (which ends up in the year 2012), traversing early adulthood in different countries surrounded by different communities (with Nora pursuing a writing career that takes her to New York for an artist residency), they both still ...
Past Lives《过往人生》U过往人生(2023) 这就是个看完预告片就等于全部的东西。然后,拉得越长槽点越多… 咱设定也是班上考第一第二的,念了个好大学,怎么连个nice to meet you都讲不清了?导演,把首尔打造成一个十八线县城,男主一副农民工穿戴整齐进城怕被看不起的样子,在纽约活几天是被开了光了还是咋?这...
Past Lives, 2023. Written and Directed by Celine Song. Starring Greta Lee, Yoo Teo, John Magaro, Jojo T. Gibbs, Emily Cass McDonnell, Federico Rodriguez, Kristen Sieh, Conrad Schott, Moon Seung-a, Seung Min Yim, Ji Hye Yoon, Won Young Choi, Ahn Min-Young, Seo Yeon-Woo, and Seung ...
过往人生/之前的我们 Past Lives 2023 û收藏 2 1 ñ8 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 查看更多 a 13关注 2.6万粉丝 3609微博 微关系 他的关注(13) 佛系杰杰刘 微博电商 定时微博小助手 粉丝头条官方微博 他的粉丝(2.6万) ...