Your friend is right.Becaue doing test takes time , during that the lights went out. PAST CONTINUOUS + WHEN + SIMPLE PAST. Soei Thanks Rebecca very much when i watched this video now i learned perfect and the past perfect tense you are very good teacher ejaz 6...
La diferencia entre elpast simpley elpast continuousestá en que en el pasado simplela acción comienza y termina en el pasado, mientras que en el pasado continuola acción se extiende por un tiempo indeterminado hacia el presentedel hablante. ...
Al suo posto bisogna coniugare il verbo principale (alla 3° persona singolare o alsimple past). Therefore, we sometimes have to conjugate the main verb (for third person singular or in thesimple past). ParaCrawl Corpus Eppure un madrelingua americano non userebbe il Past Perfect in quella ...
英文 西班牙文 past tense conjugation la conjugación del pasado past historic tense pretérito in the past tense en el pasado · en el tiempo pasado verb in the past tense verbo en pasado the past tense el pasado · el pretérito write the past tense of the verbs ...
Martin and colleagues’ claim that IMP is not ambiguous does not consider the fact that IMP has three possible readings (progressive, continuous, and habitual), all three of which are imperfective. The fact that the same tense form, IMP, encodes an array of meanings, has been claimed to be...