Deception Island off the north-western Antarctic Peninsula (AP) (Fig. 1a) is a highly active volcano20–24. Its Late Pleistocene- early Holocene, caldera-forming eruption(s) were exceptionally explosive (Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)25 of 6–7), producing an estimated 30–60 km3 of ...
Data analysis was conducted in R v.3.6.250. Strongly correlating (Pearson’s R2 > 0.7) abiotic and BioClim variables were identified with function cor.test and removed from further analysis (Supplementary Fig.S2). The in MaxQuant implemented label-free quantification (LFQ) option computed ...
Vaccination is one of the most widely used strategies to protect horses against pathogens. However, available equine vaccines often have limitations, as they do not always provide effective, long-term protection and booster injections are often required.
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Multan was formed on March 30, 1968. It is one of the ten educational boards running under Punjab. All the boards of education under Punjab established at different times but with the same aim. The aim to offer these boards of education is to ...
Almost all proxy-based temperature reconstructions for East Asia have hitherto been designed to resolve summer or annual temperature variability. Reconstruction for the winter temperature is still lacking. Here, we report an annually resolved, winter-season (December‒February, DJF) temperature field ...
In terms of the minimum number of input parameters required for accurate modeling, studies have indicated that the needed number decreases with the increasing correlation between parameters and ROP (Li et al., 2021a). As shown inFig. 6in the actual test dataset, when input parameters have a ...
6 mL of 10% hydrochloric acid was added to the test tube, which was shaken for 5 min. Distilled water was added to the test tube, and the mixture was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min. The above steps were repeated until the supernatant fluid was clear....
Beitrag zur Ökologie and Systematik der Testaceen Spitsbergens Limnologica, 4 (1966), pp. 463-470 Google Scholar Schuur et al., 2015 Google Scholar Scourfield, 1897 D.J. Scourfield Contributions to the non-marine fauna of Spitsbergen. Part I. Preliminary notes, and reports on the Rhizo...
we also test thepCO2RMSE and bias of traditional regression methods for comparison, including a multiple linear regression (MLR) and a multiple non-linear regression (MNLR). As expected, the traditional regression methods are more susceptible to seasonal-uneven measurements, showing higher RMSE and ...
2018. Sivanesan E, Bicket MC, Cohen SP. Retrospective analysis of complications associated with dorsal root ganglion stimulation for pain relief in the FDA MAUDE database. Regional Anesthesia Pain Med. 2019;44:100–6. Google Scholar ...