The past and future population of the world and its continentsUnited Nations Population Division
World population growth: past, present and future. Environ. Resour. Econ. 55 543–554 10.1007/s10640-013-9675-9676 [ Cross Ref ]Cleland J.World Population Growth:Past,Present and Future[J].Environmental and Resource Economics,2013,55(4):543-554....
Past, current and projected future population growth is outlined. Barring a calamitous pandemic, a further increase in the world's population from 7 to between 8.8 and 10 billion by mid-century is unavoidable. This increase is driven by high fertility in sub-Saharan Africa whose population is ...
1997 . Past and future causes of wild dogs' population decline. In Woodroffe, R., J.R. Ginsberg, and D.W. Macdonald, editors. (eds). The African wild dog: status, survey and conservation action plan. pp. 58 – 74 . IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group . Gland, Switzerland ....
Classical population genetics theory was largely directed towards processes relating to the future. Present theory, by contrast, focuses on the past, and in particular is motivated by the desire to make inferences about the evolutionary processes which have led to the presently observed patterns and ...
Inbreeding depression and hybridization with other tiger subspecies were believed to have occurred within the small, captive South China tiger population. It is therefore urgently needed to examine the genomic landscape of existing genetic variation among the South China tigers. Results In this study, ...
This study aims to resolve population genetic patterns of walleye across its native range, providing a baseline for evaluating future anthropogenic pressures. We analyze contemporary walleye spawning groups and compare Lake Erie populations to historic samples, including the putative “blue pike” variant...
Population: Past Growth and Future Control Thomas T. Poleman Cornell University This paper is the opening chapter and demographic context of a forthcoming book on The World's Food. It offers a summation of the Malthusian perception of food and population, an overview of population growth in ...
45 years Based on the trends in fertility and mortality, three fertility assumptions and mortality assumption are assumed to project the future population growth and structure in the next five decades And finally, the two important implications of population growth: employment and aging, are discussed...
This study aims to resolve population genetic patterns of walleye across its native range, providing a baseline for evaluating future anthropogenic pressures. We analyze contemporary walleye spawning groups and compare Lake Erie populations to historic samples, including the putative “blue pike” variant...