Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, and Past Perfect Tense(prepared by alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)Question (from 泥泞开出花朵):老师我看到这样一个句子,A very loud engineer talked big about all of the civil works that he was involved in. 这句话中的was是指他当时正在参加的国家工程...
进行态:过去进行时 Past Continuous How and When to Use It 6 Practical Examples 3.0万 2 07:00 App 数数|跳数|成对数|counting by 2s 1.8万 1 05:30 App 跳数|5个|Counting by 5s 1.7万 1 19:34 App HELPER CARS-Racing cars jump in a ball pit Full episodes 121 0 19:09 App 一般态:现...
【题目】Simple past and past continuous Tense Used for Example actions that happened Simon played football the past Simple past actions that happenedSimon came home, turned or one after another inthe computer and checked his the past email.actions that were in Yesterday at 4 p.m.,...
past continuous tense (过去进行时)概念和用法:过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内进行或发生的动作.其形式为was /were + V-ing.常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:last night, last Saturday等;或者与when, while, as引导的过去时间状语连用.例如We were watching TV from seven to nine last night....
过去进行时(The Past Continuous Tense) 一.概念: 表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行或发生的动作,有时间状语、when/while引导的时间状语从句或上文提示。 二.结构: 肯定句主语+ was/ were doing… 否定句...wasn’t/ weren’t doing… 一般疑问句:Was/ Were +... doing? Yes, ... was/were. No...
past continuous tense用法 过去进行时(past continuous tense)是英语中用来表示过去某一时间段内正在进行的动作或事情。它的构成方式是“was/were +现在分词”,接下来我将详细解释并举例说明它的用法和相关规则。 过去进行时主要有以下几个用法: 1.表示过去某一时间点或时间段内正在进行的动作或事情:“was/were +...
Simple past and past continuousTenseUsed forExampleactions that happenedSimon played football the pastSimple pastactions that happenedSimon came home, turned onone after another inthe computer and checked histhe pastemail.actions that were inYesterday at 4 p.m., Simon wasprogress at a...
Learn English Tenses_ Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, or Present Per 205 -- 3:51 App Past Continuous Tense 785 1 12:04 App Present Simple and Present Continuous 452 -- 3:53 App - Past Continuous English Grammar ESL_480p 960 -- 12:16 App 【原味En】Present...
Past Simple and Past Continuous是什么意思 答案 一般过去时(simple past tense)过去进行时(past continuous tense) 结果二 题目 【题目】Past Simple and Past Continuous 是什么意思 答案 【解析】Past Simple and Past Continuous 一般过去时和过去进行时相关推荐 1Past Simple and Past Continuous是什么意思 2【...