Rule 1: 密码必须至少包含5个字符 Rule 1 前几条没啥好讲的,照做即可 Rule 2: 密码必须包含数字 Rule 2 Rule 3: 密码必须包含一个大写字母 Rule 3 Rule 4: 密码必须包含一个特殊字符 Rule 4 Rule 5: 密码中所有数字之和为25 Rule 5 这条规则将会伴随你的整个游戏流程。为了能够完成整个游戏,在接下来...
在这一Rule的时候,文本中的元音字符会被标红,输入框下面会出现Bold按钮,选中需要加粗的字符,按下Bold键,或者使用Ctrl+B快捷键都可以将选中字符加粗。如果比较懒,可以直接全选文本进行加粗。 注意:先别急着进入下一条Rule。下一条Rule需要拼手速,对手速不自信的同学可以先看看攻略再将元音字符加粗。 Rule 20 Oh n...
当所有35条规则都符合后会提示你是否确定这是最终的密码,点击yes后会锁定密码(无法复制,坤坤也会停止吃虫子)进入一个两分钟的倒计时,需要你把确定的密码重新输入一遍。这里直接把之前复制好的最终密码粘贴即可通关,倒计时结束时没有输入完成则会gameover 借用的通关截图 最后贴一下我自己打到rule 35的截图 功亏一...
Rule 24Your password must include the URL of a xx minute yy second long YouTube video. Rule 25A sacrifice must be made. Pick 2 letters that you will no longer be able to use. Rule 26Your password must contain twice as many italic characters as bold. ...
As you progress, the rules become increasingly unusual and complex. From managing Roman numerals to guessing countries from Google Street View imagery, every rule adds a new layer of intrigue. But beware of Paul, the chicken emoji! Your game ends if you fail to feed him or overfeed him. ...
Also, the accepted solution (Rxh7+) broke rule five, so back and forth, we go! NOTE: Having played a few times, I have noticed several really bad moves as the “best move” – but they all resulted in check. I believe the game is asking which move causes a check and takes that ...
▪ Game Theory ▪ Provides F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 and F6. Storage.▪ Computation costs are low. ▪ Communication cost is more as compare to other related schemes.▪ Using public key.▪ Implementation has not been done through any simulation tool. WBANs Although the storage and ...
Password Rule Sets If you want to go it alone and remember all your passwords, there are ways to use strong passwords and remember them. If you’ve got a good memory, you can probably use a simple method, like Choosing a phrase and picking the first letters of each word as a password...
It turns out that it's EA's corporate policy to have some of these codes expire, but that no one should be faced with this, as a rule. However, if they are, then they can get a new one for free, by either downloading it or getting it from EA directly. Checking the EULA shows ...
最后贴一下我自己打到rule 35的截图 功亏一篑 当时我还不知道可以调机器时间的操作,到了这一步放弃了 最后一步和通关截屏使用了youtube上名为jaycyrzak的播主的通关视频的截图 最后向Neal老哥致敬,great game,完美的低血压治疗神器 最后的最后,我只想说:Paul,CNM!