UAN password not availableeven the UAN and password was correct. After some research, I got to know is not working for a long time and many users who are trying todownload the EPF passbookare getting the same error message I.e. Error! UAN password no...
To see the EPF UAN passbook now you would have to go>> Our Services >> For Employees >> Member Passbookand login with your UAN website details.If you work in organization that has exempted trust like Infosys, Wipro etc then your EPF passbook will not be at EPF ...
This works only if the Name, Date of Birth, Gender and Aadhaar/PAN that you enter matches the details with your UAN. Else you will get an error message. In that case, contact your employer for the details of your UAN. Go to UAN website of EPF atUAN New Website Click onForgot Pass...
The UAN is a 12-digit number allotted to each Employee Provident Fund member by the Employee Provident Fund Organization(EPFO) which gives him control of his EPF account and minimizes the role of employer. UAN acts as an umbrella for the multiple Employee Provident Fund Numbers or Member Ids ...