<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] password-control enable # 开启网络接入类本地用户的全局密码管理功能。 <Sysname> system-view [Sysname] password-control enable network-class 【相关命令】 · display password-control · password-control complexity · password-control { composition | history | length } ...
1.1.7 password-control change-password first-login enable 1.1.8 password-control change-password weak-password enable 1.1.9 password-control complexity 1.1.10 password-control composition 1.1.11 password-control enable 1.1.12 password-control expired-user-login 1.1.13 password-control history 1.1.14 ...
password-control { aging | composition | history | length } enable 缺省情况下,各密码管理功能均处于开启状态。 1.5 配置全局密码管理 1. 配置限制和指导 系统视图下的全局密码管理参数对所有设备管理类和网络接入类的本地用户生效。 设备管理类用户支持所有的密码管理功能,其中对密码老化时间、密码最小长度、密码...
Password control 密码控制功能的开启状态: Enable:开启 Disable:关闭 该参数可以通过命令local-aaa-user password policy access-user配置。 Password history 密码历史记录功能的开启状态和每个用户密码的历史记录的最大条数。 该参数可以通过命令password history record number配置。 # 查看本地管理员的密码策略信息...
undo password-control enable #关闭全局密码管理功能,一般执行这一条就可以了 undo password-control length #关闭配置密码的最小长度 undo password-control composition #关闭配置用户密码的组合策略 undo password-control history #关闭配置每个用户密码历史记录的最大条数 ...
undo password-control enable #关闭全局密码管理功能,一般执行这一条就可以了 undo password-control length #关闭配置密码的最小长度 undo password-control composition #关闭配置用户密码的组合策略 undo password-control history #关闭配置每个用户密码历史记录的最大条数 ...
Learn how to enable Microsoft Entra Password Protection for an on-premises Active Directory Domain Services environment
set the value of the password history to 0. To enable this feature, set the value of the password history using the Passwords Remembered field. Windows Server 2008 R2 then tracks old passwords using a password history that’s unique for each user, and users aren’t allowed to reuse any of...
The history of all previous LM hashes is cleared when you complete these steps.Important If you're creating a custom policy template that may be used on both Windows 2000 and Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, you can create both the key and the value. The value is i...