C.Pearline KamaliniA.KokilaS.JesimabanuV.JayalakshmiIJERT-International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology
If the entered password is correct then the circuit breaker (ON/OFF) is enabled for the lineman for repair work. Line access details are send to the cloud via the Wi-fi module and from there it is send to the control room dashboard. If an intruder tries to access the system with an...
The problem arises when AI becomes a crapshoot, with one of the passwords programmed into it from the start, and it turns out both programmers used the same password, giving Skynet Lite access to everything that uses an operating system based off of MS-BOS. Played with in Temple. William...
During the manual operation, we see inoperable electrical accidents to the line man are rises during maintenance due to improper communication between the maintenance staff and the substation staff.\nIn order to prevent such accidents, password based circuit breaker is design so that only authentic ...
identical to one of the registered passwords held therein is input by the input section, wherein the password control section includes a restricting section for restricting a functional range of the data processing based on the type of the registered password which coincides with the input password...
We will compare the German Arc Flash methodology to IEEE 1584-2018 and introduce ETAP tools available for Arc Flash calculations based on this standard. Application examples as well as features & capabilities will be presented. Learn more High Voltage Arc Flash ArcFault™ - Recommended for ...
password based circuit breakerM.AvinashN.Narendra RajuK.PavanK.Dileep KumarIJIRT(www.ijirt.org)
An encrypted Passcode/Password is sent form the substation to the circuit breaker operators(linemen), for the purpose executing maintenance works. The password is registered and forwarded to the lineman's mobile and also to the management panel by the help of GSM module. The received passcode/...
This proposed circuit ensures lineman safety and makes it easier for them. With the help of 8051 microcontroller, a system has been developed which can ON/OFF the electrical lines after a fault is sensed by the relays or the circuit breaker and trips the faulty circuit and isolates them. By...
The password is stored in an EEPROM, interfaced to the microcontroller. A keypad and GSM MODEM is used to enter the password and a relay to open or close circuit breaker and is used to run the loads.Antony, Santhi Mary A.Sathyabama UnivRamya, D....