The Passover Meal - The Feast of Unleavened Bread, also called Passover, drew near. The high priests and religion scholars were looking for a way to
Holidays in the United States 2025 Holidays in the United States 2026 Every spring, families gather to recite the biblical story of the Jewish exodus from Egypt during a traditional Passover feast. Passover seders celebrate liberation from slavery. © Is Passover a Pub...
Along with his brother Aaron, Moses approaches the reigning pharaoh (who is unnamed in the biblical version of the story) several times, explaining that the Hebrew God has requested a three-day leave for his people so that they may celebrate a feast in the wilderness. The 10 Plagues When...
in the banquet on the first night of the holiday. (In Orthodox and Conservative observance outside of Israel, it takes place on both of the first two nights.) In the course of the meal, the story of the Exodus is recounted, continuing the oral tradition stretching back to Biblical times...
Every year, the spring festival called Passover is celebrated for 8 days. Traditionally known as a major Jewish holiday, many Christians have also begun to take part in celebrating Passover.
Passover, one of Judaism's most revered holidays, honors the ancient Israelites' freedom from slavery in Egypt.
The inspiration for this Seder, credited to Larry Denenberg, is that most people skim, or skip altogether, the 2nd half of the Seder, those portions following the meal. As a way of focusing on those frequently neglected portions, an inverted or reverse Seder was conceived. When viewed from ...
This cup that Yeshua shared during the Seder corresponds to the third cup of wine that is drunk at the traditional Seder meal. The four cups of wine at a Seder are not a Biblical command. They were instituted by rabbinic law. The third cup is called the Redemption Cup because it signifie...
If you’re unfamiliar, the term “Passover” refers to the biblical stories of the 10 plagues sent by God to convince the Egyptian pharaoh to “let the Jewish people go” and the eventual exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt. As the story goes, they packed in such a hurry that they...
In celebrating The Feasts of THE LORD, we must only do what THE HOLY SPIRIT says according to The Word of GOD, and not unBiblical and unGODly traditions. This caring caution is in line with Scripture: “This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in The...