Sentence processingPassive and active sentencesThe current study investigates the ERP correlates of reading passive versus active sentences to provide insight into how comprehenders assign thematic roles and to advance our understanding of the processing mechanisms involved in real-time language processing. ...
The passive infinitive is made up of the markerto+be+ a past participle (also known as the-edor -enform), as in "The case isto be decidedby a judge." Passive Versus Active Infinitive Sentence Construction But let's back up to first show just what passive construction (also called passi...
You are probably already able to identify whether or not sentences are written in the passive or active voice, but if not, here is a refresher: In the simplest terms, an active voice sentence is written in the form of “A does B.” A passive voice sentence is written in the form...
but that isn’t true. For example, the sentence “I am holding a pen” is in active voice, but it uses the verb “am,” which is a form of “to be.” The passive form of that sentence is “The pen is being held by me.” ...
What is active voice? In active voice, the subject performs the action of the verb: “The dog chased the cat.” What is passive voice? In passive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb: “The cat was chased by the dog.” When should you use active voice versus passive ...
Passive versus Active Voice: How To Write in Active Voice? Very often, despite our best efforts, our writing looks somehow off. Something remains unfinished, unfinished as if something is missing. Sometimes it may be all about the voice you use. It may influence greatly the way how your ...
Active Voice Versus Passive Voice Word Choice | Style Subscribe Newsletter iTunes Podcast RSS Article RSS Tools Download MP3 Email Print Comments (225) Share Tip Sponsored By Episode 232: July 22, 2010 by Mignon Fogarty Today's topic is active voice versus passive voice. Here's a question fro...
ActiveversusPassive ActiveVoice•Moreemphatic•Moreconcise•UsedasthegeneralrulePassiveVoice•Usedwhenyouwanttostresstheimportanceoftheactionoritsrecipient.•Usedwhentheactorisunknownorirrelevant.•Usedwhenonewantstoavoidmentioningtheactor:Ex.Mistakesweremade.Q:Sowhat’stheproblem?A:1.Youshouldnotswitch...
We’re here to clear up the active versus passive voice debate once and for all by showing you how to spot the passive voice, when to use it, when to avoid it, and — in the case of the latter — how to fix passive voice. Let’s get started!
Active When the subject of the sentence is doing something the verb is active. E.g. The man wore a grey hat. Subject – man verb – wore object – hat Passive When the object of the sentence is having something done to it, the verb is passive. The grey hat was worn by the man....