you use "werden" in its various tenses. Below are English-German examples of the passive in six different tenses, in the following order: present, simple past (Imperfekt), present perfect (Perfekt),
Finally, if this assignment is correct a curious thing transpires: passive affective acts are represented least of all.36 And even more interesting is that two examples of passive 35 The case of desire is complex: if it is understood as desiring an object qua present physically or otherwise ...
A significant product of bioreactors is Fe sulfide, which removes both Fe and S from solution. FeS precipitates in the organic layer, but in some cases, the FeS is also present in the effluent and settling pond, possibly along with native S. If these are present, these products must be k...
7. Conclusions At present, research on check valves of piezoelectric pumps is mostly focused on valve design, development and optimization. Unlike previous research, we mainly explore the effect of check-valve number on the properties of a piezoelectric membrane pump, especially the backflow ...
The results of the present study can be applied to the design of passive cooling systems. Keywords: convection; local heat-generating element; surface radiation; Ostrogradsky number; finite difference method 1. Introduction Numerical and experimental studies on turbulent thermogravitational convection ...
In the present work, the passive sensor array was investigated to guarantee the reproducible and selective excitation of sound emission inside the THR. In the study, one of the most important considerations is how to excite each individual oscillator without influencing oscillators proximal to the ...
For example, in low frequency applications (f < 100 kHz), passive filters are often constructed using simple resistor-capacitor (RC) circuits while for higher frequency low-pass filters (f > 100 kHz) these circuits are usually constructed using passive resistors, capacitors and inductors (RLC)....