One decision that gives pause to thousands of beginning researchers is whether to use the active or passive voice in their research papers. You may have been taught in school that you should always use the active voice, especially when giving speeches and when writing fiction or persuasive essays...
Using the active and passive voice in research writingClarinda Cerejo
因此对于直接的,表达事实的内容,应当采用active voice。相反的,passive voice在正式的,专业化的语境之中,特别是在法律专业的语境中,更能够恰当的传递出某种不那么确定、肯定的,但是又具有一定的信服程度的观点。比如,对某个现象或者结果的描述his house was broken into two days ago。之所以采用passive voice, 还不...
A。“They make a lot of progress in medical research.”的被动语态是“A lot of progress is made in medical research.”,而“A lot of progress has been made in medical research.”是现在完成时的被动语态,表示已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响,所以选 A。B 选项是一般现在时的被动语态;C 选项是一般...
Many current technical writing handbooks still advise writers to avoid the passive voice except in certain limited situations, primarily when the agent is unknown, understood, unimportant, or better left unnamed. However, a growing body of research indicates that the passive voice has a broader array...
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active (more concise) Changing passive to active If you want to change a passive-voice sentence to active voice, find the agent in a "by the..." phrase, or consider carefully who or what is performing the action expressed in the verb. Make that agent the subject of the sentence, and ...
Active voice The dogbitesthe bone. Passive voice The boneis bittenby the dog. In a passive construction, the actor does not have to be named at all. Passive construction The boneis bitten. Writers are often advised to avoid the passive voice, but it is not a grammatical error. Inacademic...
Passive vs Active 英汉语言对比 被动与主动('twanttofocusonwhoisdoinganaction(theagent,doer),butonwhoisreceivingorexperiencingtheaction(thepatient).Scientistsclassifygla...
Information packaging researchers have found that certain factors influence active/passive voice alternations: Animacy, Definiteness and Weight influence argument order and thus choice of voice. Researchers in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and psycholinguistics claim that voice is influenced by social fac...