The passive form a verb indicates that 'something was done (by somebody)'. So for example, in English, 'I eat a meal' is active, whereas 'the meal was eaten by me' is passive. In Japanese, the passive form is formed as follows: For ichidan (る) verbs, replace the る with られ...
(2006). The "Passive" Voice in Japanese and German: Argument Reduction versus Argument Ex- tension. Linguistics, 44, 319-342., T., & Tanaka, S. (2006). The “Passive” Voice in Japanese and German: Argument Reduction versus Argument Extension...
1)Passive form被动句式 1.The Research of Passive form of Ancient Chinese in the Past Decade;近十年对古汉语被动句式的研究 2.There was passive form with“Yu(于)”in Yin Shang times.研究殷墟甲骨文中有无被动句式的问题,要从探讨甲骨文中“若”的意义和用法开始。 英文短句/例句 1.A Study on the...
Design and Development of a Japanese Pattern Drill System "PASSIVE-FORM PRACTICE" with the Smart SpeakerA Kai,R Matsuba,Y Goda,... - 《Transactions of Japanese Society for Information & Systems in Education》 被引量: 0发表: 2019年 Development of a human symbiotic assist arm 'PAS-Arm' (...
This paper examines the passive construction in Japanese. Focusing on the behavior of two types of by-phrase, ni and ni yotte, it is argued that the essential components that trigger the passive construction cannot be determined on the basis of structural properties such as 'the suppression of ...
日语动词被动形,使役形,命令形,意志形(The Japanese verb passive, causative form, order form, will form) 日语动词被动形,使役形,命令形,意志形(The Japanese verb passive, causative form, order form, will form) Passive verbs, causative form, order form, will form The form of a verb passive form...
Use of the sex ratio as a means of resource assessment for the Japanese eel: A case study in the Kaoping River of Taiwan A negative relationship between the proportion of females and the population density was found when compiling historical data of both wild and cultured Jap... YS Han,WN...
Showing a limited preview of this publication: ComplexpassivesandmajorsubjectsinJapanese*NORIKONAGAIAbstractJapaneseallowspassivizationofsentential complement-taking verbsin amannerthatisunexpectedandunexplained giventherangeofrecentanalysesofpassivization (Chomsky 1981;Bresnan1982; Jaeggli 1986;Bakeretal.1989, amon...
A cross-sectional study of active and passive smoking and prevalence of allergic disorders in Japanese pregnant women: baseline data from the Kyushu Okinawa... K Tanaka,Y Miyake,M Arakawa 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Fat and fish intake and asthma in Japanese women: baseline data from the Osaka Mate...
Impersonal, General, and Social: The Use of Metonymy Versus Passive Voice in Medical Discourse The impersonalizing role passive voice plays in scientific discourse is well known. Analysis of the Methods sections of nine medical research articles show... Rundblad,G. - 《Written Communication》 被引...