Passive Voice: Intermediate & Advanced Exercises (and Explanation) English Level: Intermediate, Advanced Language Focus: A review of the passive voice in contrast to the active voice Grammar Worksheet: active-passive-voice-worksheet.docx (scroll down to study the exercises online) Jump to: Intermedia...
6-7Passives Advanced Worksheet/2 8-9.Active to Passive Voice/2 10.Forming Passive Voice Worksheet- 11.Convert Simple Present to Passive 12.Simple Past Active or Passive 1/2 13.Convert Simple Past to Passive 14-15Simple Present Active or Passive 1/2- Passive / Causative Quizzes PDF Worksh...
When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following: the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence the finite form of the verb is changed (to be+ past participle) the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or...
10. Forming Passive Voice Worksheet - 11. Convert Simple Present to Passive 12. Simple Past Active or Passive 1 / 2 13. Convert Simple Past to Passive 14-15 Simple Present Active or Passive 1 / 2 - Multiple Choice Exercises: Passive / Causative Quizzes PDF Worksheets: 1 / 2 / 3 ...
Exercises for the Grammar→I. Put the following sentences into the passive voice or form.1. They make shoes in that factory.2. People must not leave bicycles in the driveway.3. They built that skyscraper in 1934.4. The students will finish the course by July.5. They are repairing the ...
Exercises on Passive Voice - 04 :: Learn English online - free exercises, explanations, games, teaching materials and plenty of information on English language. :: page 04
What is the passive voice? In general we tend to use the active voice. That is when a subject does an action to an object. Somebody stole my laptop. (subject = Somebody / action(verb) = stole / object = my laptop) Write better and fasterGinger helps you write confidently.Start ...
Exercises for Passive VoiceI.用动词的适当形式填空:1.All the department stores ___ (crowd) with shoppers.2.The clerk put the parcel on the scales to find out how much it ___ (weigh).3.He took a picture of the boy without letting him know he ___(photograph).4.Such a success __...
ExercisesforPassiveVoiceI.用动词的适当形式填空1.Allthedepartmentstores ___ (crowd) withshoppers.2.Theclerkputtheparcelonthescalestofindouthowmuchit ___ (weigh).3.Hetookapictureoftheboywithoutlettinghimknowhe ___(photograph).4.Suchasuccess ___(never,dream) ofwhenwestartedourjob.5.Icameinto...
Exercise on Passive Voice - Simple Present Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. He opens the door. - We set the table. - She pays a lot of money. - I draw a picture. - They wear blue shoes. - They don't help you. - He doesn't open the book. - You do not ...