Passive-aggressive communication can be frustrating for the listener, leaving them unsure of what was meant by the person and how they should respond, says psychotherapist Cyndi Sarnoff-Ross. For example, a direct response to a passive-aggressive comment could be deemed as hypersensitive, which the...
passive-aggressive: Of, relating to, or characterized by habitual passive resistance to requirements for performance in occupational or social situations, as by procrastination, stubbornness, sullenness, or inefficiency.
Define passive-aggressive communication and examine how it differs from assertive communication. Understand how to differentiate the four...
While the above section highlights common instances of passive-aggressive communication, catching passive-aggressive language in all of your emails or internal memos can be challenging. One way to vet your communication is by asking yourself two questions: “How would I feel if I were on the rece...
Passive aggressive communication, on the other hand, masquerades itself with "nice" language, he says. But it's the tone and the intended meaning—contrary to what is being said—that makes a statement or question aggressive. "Typically, someone is saying things far more nicely than they actu...
Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to passive immunity:innate immunity,artificial passive immunity n. Immunity acquired by the transfer of antibodies from another individual, as through injection or placental transfer to a fetus. passive immunizationn. ...
How to Cope With "Noise" in Social Dilemmas: The Benefits of Communication. Interactions in social life may be seriously affected by negative noise, whereby actual or perceived behavior is less cooperative than was intended (e.g., ...
To cultivate a workplace culture that prevents passive-aggressive behavior, try the following approaches: Set a good example:Demonstrate respectful and direct communication and address conflicts in a constructive way. Encourage a feedback culture:Create a safe space where employees can share their thoug...
... While someone's passive aggressive behavior may make you instantly feel like you're in the middle of a fight, that's what he or she is trying to avoid. What are examples of passive communication? A passive communicator will say, believe, or behave like: ▪ “I'm unable to ...
An example of passive-aggressive communication Type of communication an individual who feels powerless might use to undermine the person with power What someone who is communicating passive-aggressively would do Skills Practiced Reading comprehension- ensure that you draw the most important information from...