Cousins Share Passion for Bible With the World; Bethesda Museum Focuses on ScripturesBill Broadway
Power: Scriptures, poems, and devotional thoughts on the power Christ gives us through each other and through the experience of the communion service. Proxy: Scriptures, poems, and devotional thoughts on suffering and how it can bring us closer in identification with Christ. Release: The meaning...
public preaching, and planting churches. Other times it was through letters sent all over the world — and saved in the Bible for us to read, too!
Bible Studies Humility Beginning the Journey (for new Christians). en Español Old Testament Abraham Jacob Moses Joshua Gideon David, Life of Elijah Psalms Solomon Songs of Ascent (Ps 120-135) Isaiah Advent/Messianic Scriptures Daniel Rebuild & Renew: Post-Exilic Books Gospels Christmas Incarnation...
” The pastor replied, “It doesn’t matter what you or I think. You are not allowed to add anything that isn’t in the Bible.” I remember interjecting in the film’s defense that the presence of Satan in Gethsemane is certainly in the spirit of the Scriptures, to which the pastor...
There is little room in the scriptures for a believer to be about the Father’s business and not attend to widows and orphans. The Old and New Testaments are speckled with charges for God’s people to care for the least of these; most namely, widows and orphans. It should come as no...
1.Reread and reflect on the Scriptures mentioned above. Use them in a devotional setting–let the words seep into your heart; look for the word of God to you. What do these stories and promises hold for you? Do you have experience of God in ways suggested by those passages? How is Go...
thorough discussion of Jews and the Passion as described in the Bible, but it is important to note that later theological, literary, and artistic developments largely build on – rather than replace or offer an alternative to – the portrayal of Jews provided in the Christian biblical scriptures...
Together the Old Testament and the New Testament make up the Holy Bible. The Old Testament contains the sacred scriptures of the Jewish faith, while Christianity draws on both Old and New Testaments, interpreting the New Testament as the fulfilment of the prophecies of the Old. ...
Like I said at the start, so many people in the Bible fasted because they needed to hear from God. They needed answers. They needed protection. They needed a shift in their world. How can I make fasting part of my Christian walk? As a church fasting is part of the rhythm of our ...