@st-lukethat's my bad, then, for not taking long enough to come up with better examples for the original report I posted. The first example, I can see how you'd consider it inappropriate. I wasonlyusing them as examples of my proposed syntax; I made the mistake of assuming that nob...
I'm an old dog, and new tricks don't come easy. I'm trying to setup an interface block in a module for a routine which takes the name of a subroutine
Digging deeper, I found that it can be made to work in IVF by adding the statement SEQUENCE to the type definition, as indicated below. I infer from even the CVF documentation that this statement should be needed;could it be that this requirement was not envorced by CVF but it is...
Digging deeper, I found that it can be made to work in IVF by adding the statement SEQUENCE to the type definition, as indicated below. I infer from even the CVF documentation that this statement should be needed;could it be that this requirement was not envorced by CVF but it is...
Digging deeper, I found that it can be made to work in IVF by adding the statement SEQUENCE to the type definition, as indicated below. I infer from even the CVF documentation that this statement should be needed;could it be that this requirement was not envorced by CVF but it is...
Digging deeper, I found that it can be made to work in IVF by adding the statement SEQUENCE to the type definition, as indicated below. I infer from even the CVF documentation that this statement should be needed;could it be that this requirement was not envorced by CVF but it is...
Digging deeper, I found that it can be made to work in IVF by adding the statement SEQUENCE to the type definition, as indicated below. I infer from even the CVF documentation that this statement should be needed;could it be that this requirement was not envorced by CVF but it is...
Digging deeper, I found that it can be made to work in IVF by adding the statement SEQUENCE to the type definition, as indicated below. I infer from even the CVF documentation that this statement should be needed;could it be that this requirement was not envorced by CVF but it is...
Digging deeper, I found that it can be made to work in IVF by adding the statement SEQUENCE to the type definition, as indicated below. I infer from even the CVF documentation that this statement should be needed;could it be that this requirement was not envorced by CVF but it is...
Digging deeper, I found that it can be made to work in IVF by adding the statement SEQUENCE to the type definition, as indicated below. I infer from even the CVF documentation that this statement should be needed;could it be that this requirement was not envorced by CVF but it is...