She is peeing like normal and is still passing gas. Paula October 2019 Hi there, I agree that 11 days is quite a long time for such a little baby. However, as long as she has been pooping normal breast milk poop earlier, is content, eating, and peeing she is most likely simply ...
To address the issue that the sun doesn’t shine all of the time and the wind doesn’t blow all the time, these wind and solar power plants would require backup from natural gas or nuclear power plants. Even the most ardent supporters of wind and solar power concede that natural gas pow...
Chapter 12. THE PASSING SHADOW The winds and tides rose and fell a certain number of times, the earth moved round the su...
especially wind and solar, and pushed automakers to manufacture more electric vehicles. Their chief goal is to eliminate reliable, affordable, generally clean fossil fuels, including natural gas, even though they generate most of America’s electricity...