This has long been a necessary feature of travel, with entertainment providing a “diversion from speed and the risk of the catastrophic accident via screens”, first noted during “nineteenth-century railroad journey(s), in which the new practice of ‘panoramic vision’ and the reading of ...
Additionally, the in-vehicle time for the two groups was similar as these express buses only had 2 to 3 stops on their route (this includes the stop where slugging occurs and the destination stop). Bus headways for each of the three park-and-ride locations during the morning peak period ...
In South Korea also, the Seoul Metropolitan Government has “completely reorganized bus services, installed (rapid transit) corridors, improved coordination of metro and bus services, and fully integrated the fare structure and ticketing systems between routes, as well as modes” (Pucher et al. ...
The practice of “compartmentalization” is based upon providing only a small distance between the seated passenger and the seat-back directly in front of him or her, wherein that person can develop only a limited velocity relative to the rapidly decelerating vehicle. Further, the practice also ...
Transportation to the new complex has been assisted through travel subsidies and the introduction of more company bus services. • The phased move of Cathay Pacific staff to our new headquarters at Chek Lap Kok began in June 1998 and will soon be completed. • Recruitment and t...
In my school has many strict stipulations.For example, we do not allow in the corridor to run, and we do not allow late to come the school, not to permit the belt handset.We may play the basketball, make the practice in the school, must study well for the test obtains the result.I...
regulated by the Road Traffic Regulation, Legislative Instrument, 2012 (L.I. 2180), which also provides the required seat dimensions. Elsewhere, the Australian Motor Vehicle Certification Board (AMVCB) provides vehicle standards for the manufacture and installation of seats (National Code of Practice...
Air Rage: The Prevention and Management of Disruptive Passenger Behaviour. A Guide to Good Practice and Practical Action for Aviation Trade Unionists, the Transport Industry and Safety Regulators; International Transport Workers’ Federation, Civil Aviation Section: London, UK, 2000. [Google Scholar] ...
The reason for this setting is that in the era of small data volume in the development of machine learning, the common practice is to divide all data into a training set consisting of 70% of the data and a test set consisting of 30%. If the validation set is explicitly established, it...
Location, household size, age, car and train usage, and previous experiences with bus transport significantly impact the willingness to pay. Consequently, tailored DRT strategies are necessary for different target groups. To maximize the efficiency of this service, integrating DRT into the regional or...