从以下几点进行评分:音准、节奏、音乐特点理解、总体认知、反应速度等。 ·听力考试的评分标准:按完成度分为:Distinction 卓越(17-18分)、Merit (优秀15-16分)、Pass通过(12-14分)、不合格。 •旋律:考官弹奏一段旋律两次,考生凭记忆唱出来或弹出来。音域范围在1个八度以内,最多有3个升降号,是大调或小调。...
So, anyone who knows me understands that I couldn't resist going over to say hi to Sig. I gave him a good rub and talked to him and he greeted me with a huge doggy smile. Then Warden Curtis and I turned away from the truck as we talked about the event and some of the other do...
with 82% of the candidates passed with Merit and Distinction awards and eight Grade 1 candidates scoring 100%. Many congratulations to these young musicians for producing the best set of ABRSM theory results in the history of the School