I am looking to pass a variable from the STORE Data Provider as part of an iFrame URL. For example: "widgets": {"comp1": {"attributes": {"src": "https://test/{$STORE.agent.agentId}"},"comp": "agentx-wc-iframe"}} The value is not being passed, rather the literal string that...
But that won’t work because the quotes are stripped out of the data stored in the $DATA variable so it becomes: Name=Captain Kirk Which cURL sees as curl -d Name=Captain Kirk URL With cURL we can send the same information to multiple URLs by stating each URL separated by a space. O...
1 Get value from a single link to use it on target page's code behind 0 Passing Value Through Link Button in ASP.NET 0 How to use href to pass value on another page? 0 Set value of variable upon link click 5 How to pass code behind variable via hyperlinkfield 0 How to use ...
New-CMDeviceVariable New-CMDistributionPointGroup New-CMDriverPackage New-CMDuplicateHardwareIdGuid New-CMDuplicateHardwareIdMacAddress New-CMEmailProfile New-CMEmbeddedObjectInstance New-CMEmbeddedProperty New-CMEmbeddedPropertyList New-CMEnhancedPIN New-CMExchangeClientAccessServer New-CMExchangeConnectorAccess...
maxRating对象{ MPAA: "NR", VCHIP: "X", URL: "http://manage.my/parental" }否当前用户的最大家长分级。属性值可用于根据“MPAA”或“VCHIP”等级筛选不适合于当前用户的内容。 language字符串"English"否语言设置。属性值可用于根据用户的语言偏好显示消息。
New-CMDeviceVariable New-CMDistributionPointGroup New-CMDriverPackage New-CMDuplicateHardwareIdGuid New-CMDuplicateHardwareIdMacAddress New-CMEmailProfile New-CMEmbeddedObjectInstance New-CMEmbeddedProperty New-CMEmbeddedPropertyList New-CMEnhancedPIN New-CMExchangeClientAccessServer New-CMExchangeConnectorAccess...
In short, you'll need to put your certificate file (with extension .crt, e.g. teampass.domain.local.crt) and the according private key file (with extension .key, e.g. teampass.domain.local.key) into the directory ssl, named exactly after the FQDN you put into theVIRTUAL_HOSTvariable....
I am trying to pass a params named ID in to a python api function from postman which will use the ID to call another api function inside the actual api but the id field remains None in postman out...
inRequestorID-Adobe在注册期间分配给原始站点的唯一标识符。 端点— 此参数是可选的。 它可以是以下值之一: 一个数组,允许您为Adobe提供的身份验证和授权服务指定端点(其他实例可用于调试目的)。 如果提供了多个URL,则MVPD列表将由所有服务提供商的端点组成。 每个MVPD都与最快的服务提供商...
I want the URLFactory to create the Array and store it in the variable "dataArray" and use the Array in the Main class by calling the GetList() of the URLFactory class. What I have returns nothing...please help Basically I need to set a variable equal to URLLoader.data (var somethi...