VALUE="Delete" ONCLICK="button1(int <%= custID %>)">...function button1(int custID) { alert('Delete:' + custID); //just testing for now... }I'm pretty sure that I'm just not passing my int properly.Bear Bibeault Sheriff Posts: 67750 173 I like... posted 13 years ago Yup...
it's just three lines and does exactly what you're looking for. Each of these links has an anonymous function tied to them meaning they don't have any variable tied to them except that tag's onclick value. Plus
And I have tried to pass the value to modal popup with "onclick", but the value still didn't show in the modal popup Here is my code <!DOCTYPEhtml><?php$sql="select * from tbl_company";$query=mysql_query($sql);while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){$code=$row['code...
I don't really need to pass the client id anything to do with the control other than the Text value. I'm doing my own custom thing and I change the text value from time to time and I just want to see what the value is when running the validation in the javascript.Having said that...
DOCTYPE html>PASS PARAMETER TO FUNCTION ONCLICKPassed Parameter will Display on AlertBoxClickClickfunctionfun(value){alert(value);} <!DOCTYPE html> tag which is instruct the web browser about what version of HTML file written in and it’s not have any ending tag. The tag is used to indicat...
I have a gridview and has only three columns and I am trying to pass **ID **to stored procedure. Once stored procedure receives the ID, it will insert to data to different table in different database. I all need is how to pass the value of **ID **to stored procedure onclick ...
In order to pass a value as a parameter through theonClickhandler we pass in an arrow function which returns a call to thesayHellofunction. In our example, that argument is a string: ‘James‘: ...return(sayHello('James')}>Greet);... It’s this trick of writing an ...
onclick="someFu nction(this.nam e)"> function someFunction(el emName){ myForm = document.forms['formName']; myForm.elements['fieldName'].value = elemName; myForm.submit() ; } Then, the server looks at the value of the field named "fieldName" and it will know the name of the...
Toggle navigation 登录 主题 您正在查看受限内容。要获得完全访问权限,请登录。 按Ctrl + C复制该链接。 ZoomRatio 适合窗口 适合宽度 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 200% / 显示帖子
But the onClick event does not execute the function test I´m passing! What Am I missing? I know if I use b.onClick = function (){ ... } It works...but I´d like the function to be called instead of directlly created when calling the onClick. Do not kn...