创造您自己的New York City体验,节省高达40%。 包含哈德逊广场的「边缘」(Edge at Hudson Yards). 6,085 创造您自己的体验。 体验 纽约 C3® 门票带来的精彩活动,完美适合时间有限却渴望探索的游客。自选三大热门景点,定制专属游览路线。一票在手,轻松畅游城市精华景点。
C3 Pass C All Pass Turbopass You’re still not quite sure? 🤔 Then our New York Pass Savings Calculator is the answer to all your questions! It calculates instantly which New York Pass is the best for you –individually tailored to your sightseeing. He will also show you if a NYC pas...
纽约CityPASS & 纽约 C3 4.5 (24958) 喜欢“大苹果这是我们第一次使用 CityPASS。我们那时正在计划我们的行程,看到了一些New York活动的通行证。这对我们来说是最好的选择,因为我们只停留五天。当我们到达各个景点时,我们比较了价格。我们节省了很多! 现在我已经把CityPASS推荐给计划去New York旅游的朋友。当我们...
我们那时正在计划我们的行程,看到了一些New York活动的通行证。这对我们来说是最好的选择,因为我们只停留五天。当我们到达各个景点时,我们比较了价格。我们节省了很多! 现在我已经把CityPASS推荐给计划去New York旅游的朋友。当我们访问另一个大城市时,我们一定会再次购买。 纽约CityPASS用一个伟大的方式以最经济的...
city pass新出的C3票也是个不错的选择,10个景点选3个景点,价格比city pass便宜了25%。 THE NEW YORK PASS (按照天数算的景点套票,适合每天行程安排的比较紧的游客) 这个pass就是按照天数分了3天、5天、7天、10天这种,你可以自由搭配你的景点,按天算价格,适合那种一天可以走很多景点的游客,就好比吃自助餐一...
CityPASS®门票是最超值的选项,C3®门票适合短期停留,如果您什么都不想错过,请选择C-All®。 查看对比。 成年人 (18+) $261.71$146.00 儿童 (6-17)6岁以下的儿童? $254.71$124.00 手续费 $2.00 您的价格 $148.00 您节省的费用: $115.71我们如何计算储蓄. 去结账 ( 1 ) 移动票务即时交付 365 天无...
In New York, you have three options: the classic New York CityPASS, the New York C3, and the New York C-All. The classic PASS gives you access to five destinations, with some choices to be made: Empire State Building American Museum of Natural History ...
Chicago C3® by CityPASS® 9d Save up to 29% on admission at 3 top attractions with New York C3® tickets. Valid for 9 consecutive days including the first day of use. One-time admission to your choice of 3 attractions: Shedd Aquarium Skydeck Chicago Shoreline Sightseeing Architecture ...
CityPASS New YorkCityPASS is a digital pass that grants you admission into 5 top attractions in New York City.There are two variations of this pass (the C3 Pass/choice of 3 top attractions and the C-all Pass/10 attractions). Read about these passes below....
Passes are available either as a booklet or as a mobile pass. You can check prices, and buy your New York CityPASS online in advance from theofficial site here, and here for theC3 pass. We also recommend checking prices on GetYourGuide as sometimes they have better deals.Check prices for...