proposent des formules d'abonnement annuel (centre pompidou, musée du louvre, musée d'orsay…). consultez les sites internet des établissements qui vous intéressent. peut-on acheter le pass plusieurs mois avant son utilisation ? oui, vous pouvez, par exemple, acheter un pass en janvier, ...
If you continue to encounter difficulties, please send an e-mail to the following address: (providing the following details: surname, first name, Annual Passport number, the date and at least 2 timeslots for which you would like to register)....
but I would still like to use the Navigo Discovery pass for traveling Thursday-Sunday. If I order the card on-line and get it mailed to my home in the US, how do I get it activated so I could use the card to get from the airport to my hotel (Disneyland Paris)?