8 gigapascal to PSI = 1160301.90406 PSI9 gigapascal to PSI = 1305339.64206 PSI10 gigapascal to PSI = 1450377.38007 PSIWant other units?You can do the reverse unit conversion from PSI to gigapascal, or enter any two units below:Enter two units to convert From: To: ...
What is Psi? Psi (pounds per square inch)is 1 pound of force per square inch. 1 psi = 6.89475729 kPa. Please visitpressure conversionto convert all pressure units. Below, you have the option to create your own customized kilopascal to psi conversion table to meet your specific needs. This...
Convert kilopascal to psikpascal
Convert the following to the designated SI units" (a) 627 in^2 to mm^2 and m^2 (b) 14 yd^2 to mm^2 and m^2 (c) 3.5 kips/ft to kN/m (d) 8470 psi to MPa and kPa (e) 1740 psf to Pa and kPa (f) 2.8 kips/f Pressure is defined as force ...
Conversions kilopascals to other units Table kilopascals to psf 1 kpa = 20.8854 psf11 kpa = 229.74 psf21 kpa = 438.594 psf 2 kpa = 41.7709 psf12 kpa = 250.625 psf22 kpa = 459.48 psf 3 kpa = 62.6563 psf13 kpa = 271.511 psf23 kpa = 480.365 psf ...
How to Convert Pascals To convert pascals to another unit of pressure, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor. A conversion factor is a numerical value used to change the units of a measurement without changing the value.[1] You can find the conversion factors for pascals in...
Conversion of pressure or stress units chart or table psikPakg/cm2cm H2Ofeet H2Oinch Hgmm Hg = torrinch H2Oounce per sq. inchAtmospheresbarmbarMPa psi16.8947570.07030695870.3069272.3067232.0360251.7148627.68068160.0680460.0689475768.94760.00689
equivalent to one newton per meter squared. This is derived from the definition of pressure, where force has an SI unit of newton, while area is in square meters. Other typical units of pressure include atmosphere (atm), millimeter of mercury (mm-Hg), pound per square inch (psi), and ...
Suppose you want to convert 1 pascal into gigapascals. Using the conversion formula above, you will get: Value in GPa =1 × 1.0E-9=1 × 10-9GPa This converter can help you to get answers to questions like: How many pascals are in 1 gigapascals?
Commonly converted units megapascalnewton/square millimetermegapascalpsipascalnewton/square millimetergigapascalpascalpsipound-force/square inchpsikilogram-force/square centimeterbarmegapascal Recently converted units hectopascalkilonewton/square meterpascaldecipascalnewton/square meterkilogram-force/square meterbarnewton...