git clone Dependency You must install some python libraries. Use pip command. pyquery 1.2.9 requests 2.6.0 Usage To download dataset, just run program as follow: You can also write code like this: ...
Train your BERT model (without the next-sentence prediction task) on the preprocessed data: python ## main parameters --exp_name xlm_en # experiment name --dump_path ./dumped # where to store the experiment ## data location / training objective --data_path $OUTPATH # data loca...
anda50%inthetestset. GoodresultsintheCD,badresultsinIEandIR. Problem,doesnotrecognizesyntacticalorsemantics,suchassynonymsandantonyms.Syntacticsimilarities Humanannotatorswereaskedtodividethedatasetto Truebysyntax Falsebysyntax Notsyntax Cannotdecide Thenusingarobustparsertoestablishtheresults. Apartialsubmission...