All computers operate by following machine language programs, a long sequence of instructions called machine code that is addressed to the hardware of the computer and is written in binary notation (see numeration), which uses only the digits 1 and 0. First-generation languages, called machine la...
fbpmnis able to deal withcollaborationseither in BPMN or in its own JSON format (see Sect. 7, below). Please note that you can also deal with a standaloneprocess model(workflow) as long as you put it in a standalone pool lane (see some examples of thishere). BPMN format Please seet...
Since FPC does not support dot notation for unit names, you'll see in that Java class names have been abbreviated using the first letter of each package level plus the class name. For example, the Android classSQLiteDatabasein theandroid.database.sqlitepackage is namedADSSQLite...
Uml et Design Patterns Formation Uml et Design Patterns: comprendre et maîtriser les techniques d'analyse et conception objet avec la notation UML et les patrons de conception. Utilisation des outils Delphi et nombreux travaux pratiques pour se familiariser avec ces méthodes. transparents Transp...
About Java Mathematical Markup Language (MathML), which is an XML application, is used for encoding mathematical notation in web pages. Mathematical formulae are totally integrated in the text. Therefore they adapt themselves to local preferences : font, size, zoom, etc. ...