// Division using "/" always makes float result, // use "div" for integer division X := 15 / 5; WriteLn('X is now: ', X); // scientific notation WriteLn('X is now: ', X:1:2); // 2 decimal places end. 上面的例子中s是const传参,与var修饰类似,表示引用传参,形参s代表了传入...
type arr=array[1..max]of integer;var a,b,c,d:arr;la,lb,ld,i,j,len:integer;sa,sb:string;flag:boolean;begin //init readln(sa);readln(sb);la:=length(sa);for i:=1 to la do val(sa[la-i 1],a[i]);lb:=length(sb);for i:=1 to lb do val(sb[lb-i 1],b[i...
pascal常用算法代码 http://www.gamefk.com/done2.htm?481x ???FILLBAG(完全背包问题)???.PAS programfillbag; varc,w:array[0..10000]oflongint; f:array[0..10000]oflongint; m,n,i,j,t:longint; begin readln(m,n); fori:=1tondo readln(w[i],c[i]); f[0]:=0; fori:=1...
size=1+Trunc(NRDigits/LR);Var i:Integer;Procedure SetToInteger (n:LongInt;Var x:Array of LongInt; Inte:LongInt);Var i:PosInt;Begin fillchar(x,sizeof(x),0); {for i:=1 To n DO x:=0;} x[0]:= Inte;End;{ X 等于0 ? } Function IsZero (n:LongInt; x:Array of...
* Operations will consist of: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*) or integer division (/). * There is no spaces in the expression. Pascal functions and procedures that you can use: For this assignment cannot use any pre-created functions or procedures that convert characte...
% Modulus Operator and remainder of after an integer division B % A will give 0 关系运算符 下表显示了Pascal支持的所有关系运算符。假设变量A持有10,变量B持有20,则- 显示范例 OperatorDescriptionExample = Checks if the values of two operands are equal or not, if yes, then condition becomes true...
FUNCTION division(n1,n2:string):string;var a,d:array[1..max] of 0..9; lena,i,j,x,b,j1:longint; code:integer; q,y:string;begin lena:=length(n1); for i:=1 to lena do a[i]:=ord(n1[i])-ord('0'); for i:=1 to 5 do a[lena+i]:=0;...
In an expression, the compiler treats an integer subrange type like an integer. Be careful with multiplying large numbers, particularly integers. The results of overflows are unpredictable. The real-number division operator, /, always produces a real- number result. For integer division, use the...
at all depending on the FPU exception mask) and only in case of integer divide by zero (div operation) an EDivByZero should be raised? This was my original question and no one seems to have an opinion onthat. I don't have an opinion on that either. I'm not sure how it would bete...
write('Float division by zero : 1.0 / 0.0 -> '); x := 1.0 / r; writeln(x); except on e: exception do writeln(e.classname); end; end. Output with Delphi (3.0: Integer division by zero: 1 div 0 -> EDivByZero Float division by zero : 1.0 / 0.0 -> EZeroDivide ...