Rujukan Dan Aplikasi Sistem Hukum Indonesia Berdasarkan Pasal 1 Ayat (3) UUD 1945 Pasca Amandemen Ke TigaIndonesia ‘s law systemreference systemaplication systemLaw institutions (such as Judges, Lawyer, Police, legislator) as part of important elements in national law system, should know and ...
URGENSI ITIKAD BAIK DALAM PERJANJIAN PINJAMAN UANG KREDIT TERKAIT DENGAN PASAL 1338 AYAT ( 3) KUH PERDATA DIKOPERASI PERIKANAN "SUMBER TANI NELAYAN", SAMARINDA SEBERANG Abstrack Agreement borrowing money should be conducted in good faith . Good faith is very closely related to the execution of ...