KAJIAN YURIDIS PUTUSAN MAHKAMAH KONSTITUSI NOMOR 34/PUU-XI/2013 MENGENAI PEMBATALAN PASAL 268 AYAT (3) KUHA This journal is intended to explain and analyze the fundamentals or principles that underlie the urgency of the request reconsideration of a decision made only once, as well as to descri...
URGENSI ITIKAD BAIK DALAM PERJANJIAN PINJAMAN UANG KREDIT TERKAIT DENGAN PASAL 1338 AYAT ( 3) KUH PERDATA DIKOPERASI PERIKANAN "SUMBER TANI NELAYAN", SAMARINDA SEBERANG Abstrack Agreement borrowing money should be conducted in good faith . Good faith is very closely related to the execution of ...