Hemos visto elverbo“comer”en pasado simple(“comí/comiste...”) que se confunde fácilmente con “ocho” (el número). We have seenthe verb“to eat”in past simple(“ate”) which is easily confused with “eight” (thenumber). ...
I WILL EAT a bananaYo COMERÉ una banana [Futuro Seguro]I AM GOING TO EAT pizzaYo VOY A COMER pizza 查看更多回答 Q: 請提供關於 pasado simple y pasado continuo 的例句給我。 A: Simple past : I went to the museum yesterday.Past continuous : Mom was cooking when my dad called ...
Narda Comedor is built around a few simple concepts: eat seasonal, drink water and try new things. With the opening of the restaurant in Buenos Aires in 2017, celebrity chef Narda Lepes wanted to show her compatriots what a healthy diet looks like. No.59Crizia, Buenos Aires, Argentina...