外国标准文献PAS 2050-2011.pdf,PUBLICLY AVAILABLE SPECIFICATION PAS 2050:2011 Specifi cation for the assessment of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services black ICS code: 13.020.40 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMIT
PAS 2050 is intended primarily as a tool for internal, or business to business use. If you wish to communicate 2 Introduction externally, you will need to refer to additional The 2011 revision of PAS 2050 documents on environmental communication such as the international standard on self-declared...
PAS 2050 Clause X externally, you will need to refer to additional documents on environmental communication such as the international standard on self-declared environmental claims (ISO 14021) 1) and Defra’s Green Claims Guidance. 2) Why this Guide?
PUBLICLY AVAILABLE SPECIFICATIONPAS 2050:2011Specification for the assessment of the lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions
点击打开全屏PDF预览 点击查看大图 标准号 PAS 2050-2011 2011年 总页数 45页 发布单位 英国标准学会 购买 正式版 标准名称:生命周期温室气体排放评估规范 适用范围: 本文件规定了评估商品和服务生命周期内温室气体(GHG)排放的方法。适用于所有涉及产品或服务生命周期温室气体排放的评估活动,特别是为了确保对环境影响进...
BS PAS 2050-2011 生命周期内温室气体排放评价规范.pdf 热度: 相关推荐 PUBLICLYAVAILABLESPECIFICATION PAS2050:2008 Specificationfortheassessmentofthe lifecyclegreenhousegasemissionsof goodsandservices ICScode:13.020.40 PAS2050:2008 Publishingandcopyrightinformation TheBSIcopyrightnoticedisplayedinthisdocumentindicateswhe...
The British Standard InstitutionCrown and Carbon Trust (2008), Guide to PAS 2050. How to assess the carbon footprint of good and services. London, 2008.BSI (2011). Guide to PAS 2050. How to Assess the Carbon Footprint of Goods and Services. British Standards Institution, London. ISBN 978...
PAS 2050 has been developed in response to broad community and industry desire for a consistent method for assessing the life cycle GHG emissions of goods and services. Life cycle GHG emissions are the emissions that are released as part of the processes of creating, modifying, transporting, ...
英国标准协会(BSI)于2010年5月推出了PAS 2060:2010。PAS 2060以现有的ISO 14000系列和PAS 2050等环境标准为基础,以包容性、可及性、开放性为三大原则,提出了通过温室气体排放的量化、还原和补偿来实现和实施组织所必须符合的规定。PAS 2060的推出,标志着BSI已经从碳足迹走向了碳中和。
It is the consumption of goods and services by individuals around the world that drives global GHG emission, and PAS 2050 is a first attempt to provide integrated, consistent approaches that directly address the role of consumption at the product level in contributing to GHG emissions. Climate sci...