圆口副绯鲤(Parupeneus cyclostomus):又称圆口海鲱鲤。留尼汪副绯鲤(Parupeneus diagonalis) 金带拟羊鱼(Parupene… zh.wikipedia.org|基于28个网页 2. 圆口海绯鲤 05112308... ... Parupeneus cyclostomus: 圆口副绯鲤Parupeneus cyclostomus:圆口海绯鲤Parupeneus heptacanthus: 红点 … ...
观赏鱼 金鞍须鲷科,黄须鲷科 (Parupeneus cyclostomus) 照BEST AQUARIUM关怀 和 成长:保健水平 易 水族馆的类型 无信息 最小水族箱尺寸 不小于1000升 的水的温度 近25℃ 栖息地的水族馆层 底层, 中间层 兼容性 与大型宁静的鱼 光需求 温和 底式水族箱 粗砂, 珊瑚礁金鞍须鲷科,黄须鲷科 特点 和 ...
性情:温和 成体尺寸:50厘米 珊瑚缸兼容:小心 食物要求:肉食 主要产地:斐济、印度洋 种属:羊鱼科
Parupeneus cyclostomusreproductive biologyRed Sea's goatfish (Mullidae), locally referred as 'Sultan Ibrahim', are a popular recreational fish that also supports neighboring commercial markets. The present study compares spermatogenesis, oogenesis and gonad structure, in two species of goatfish from ...
学名:Parupeneus 中文名:腹绯鲤属 分类路径 脊索动物门>辐鳍鱼纲>鲈形目>须鲷科 物种图片 下级物种 似条斑副绯鲤 Parupeneus barberinoides Pointed Goatfish Parupeneus biaculeatus 圆口腹绯鲤 Parupeneus cyclostomus Parupeneus fraserorum Parupeneus fraserorum ...
Yellowsaddle goatfish (Parupeneus cyclostomus) Small school swiiming over the coral reef Gulf of Aqaba Red Sea Egypt.,站酷海洛,一站式正版视觉内容平台,站酷旗下品牌.授权内容包含正版商业图片、艺术插画、矢量、视频、音乐素材、字体等,已先后为阿里巴巴、京东
Data Source : fishdb.sinica.edu.tw 相邻物种似条斑副绯鲤 Parupeneus barberinoides Pointed Goatfish Parupeneus biaculeatus 圆口腹绯鲤 Parupeneus cyclostomus Parupeneus fraserorum Parupeneus fraserorum 版权所有 ©2018-2020 北京喵潜科技有限公司京ICP备16067121号-1 ...
Bshary, "On group living and collabo- rative hunting in the yellow saddle goatfish (parupeneus cyclostomus)1," Ethology, vol. 117, no. 11, pp. 961-969, 2011.Strubin C, Steinegger M, Bshary R. 2011 On group living and collaborative hunting in the yellow saddle goatfish (Parupeneus ...
In the Quasi opposition-based hybrid Thunnus- Parupeneus cyclostomus Optimization Algorithm (QHTP), stalking properties of Thunnus are hybridized with the tracking and prohibiting actions of Parupeneus cyclostomus. Quasi opposition-based learning approach is applied to the hybridized procedure. Systematic...
(2011). On group living and collaborative hunting in the yellow saddle goatfish (Parupeneus cyclostomus). Ethology 117, 961-969.Stru¨bin C, Steinegger M, Bshary R (2011) On group living and collaborative hunting in the yellow saddle goatfish (Parupeneus cyclostomus) 1. Ethol. 117:961-...