The British under direction of General Gage then went on to destroy citizens militia supplies at Concord.Neitherthe British Government at that time nor our own Federal government likesarmed civilians equal to the strength of the standing army. Yet, this isthe reason for the 12th Grievance which ...
He had announced this purpose in his inaugural address in 1861, and, upon being inducted into office, he sent a confidential message to the governors of Maine and New Hampshire, inviting their cooperation in preparing the militia for service and providing supplies of war material. This course of...
the work is good for someone who is fast paced and likes party supplies lol. balloons were annoying but made time go by fast. the job its self was ok. jus basic retail. pay was honestly not bad if you are willing to work long hours you can actually make something for your self. the...
Teams thronged the highways; troops of men, women, and children hurried nervously about seeking information and replenishing supplies. Jobbers on the street were crying their wares, anxious to sell anything or everything required, from a shoestring to a complete outfit for a four months’ journey...