Augusta, Grand Rapids, Huntington Beach, Mobile, Newport News, Little Rock, Moreno Valley, Columbus, Amarillo, Fontana, Oxnard, Knoxville, Fort Lauderdale, Salt Lake City, Worcester, Huntsville, Tempe, Brownsville, Jackson, Overland Park, Aurora, Oceanside, Tallahassee, Providence, Rancho Cucamonga,...
The Maine Democratic Party recognizes that population size, growth-rate, and distribution are causally related in basic ways to resource depletion and environmental degradation in Maine and elsewhere. While Maine’s year-round resident population has remained approximately stable in the recent decade due...
Angus King is an American politician who was elected as an Independent to the U.S. Senate in 2012 and began representing Maine in that body the following year. He previously served as governor of the state (1995–2003).