Once again, due to the week of Unleavened Bread, there is a skip in the regular Torah readings. Yeshua spoke more about the Kingdom than any other topic. Why is this? Because the Kingdom is the completion of the covenant made with Avraham. We can expect that the evil one would be al...
but that they alone have always been in full control of everything in the universe and that by original divine design no single thing outside their authority has ever had any efficacious will of its own; the only problem being
Well here is an interesting topic for sure, the video below on this post goes over a documentary series about the evidences of giant human looking skeletons found in different parts of the world. While sceptics are many and understandably of the humanoid type skeletons as being a hoax or ...
above: “But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God; who were born not of blood . . . but of God” (John 1:12-13). No matter your human origins, you can become a son of God through faith in Jesus, thetelosof the Torah. ...