Nails are parts of our body which we do not think about very much except when we are cutting them or painting them or they hurt. However, they do an important job. They protect fingers and toes and make it easier for them to function.Nails are made of keratin, which is the same subs...
head of delivery, particularly for mounting parts of the nails, rivets, and the like.FRANCIA VALERIO
Nails are small body parts. They are small, but they are useful. They have their own Jobs. Do you want to know more about your nails? The hard surfaces of your nails help to protect the tips of your fingers and toes. And your fingernails can help you do some tiny things in your ev...
A small soft piece of flesh which hangs down from the top of your mouth at the back gum Your gums are the two areas of firm pink flesh at the top and bottom of your mouth, in which your teeth are fixed 2. Parts of the Hand nail your nails a...
This 35 year-old voyeur man who attended psychiatric outpatient clinic in an academic medical centre presented to a psychiatrist for taking photos of his sisters' naked bodies and collected nails and hairs from their body, coded them with intend for masturbation. His voyeuristic thoughts and urges...
Discover what fingernails are made up of. Understand the function of nails and learn the parts of fingernails. Explore what the integumentary...
Exercise 1.3Give the p arts of sp eech of the words in italics. Fill in the brackets with correct letters.A:nounB: verbC: adjective1. Use a big hammer for those n ai 15、ls.2. Hammer the nails in the wall and nail the picture on the wall.3. Bath the baby in the small bath,...
Parts of the Hand nail your nails are the hard smooth layers on the ends of your fingers middle finger The longest finger on your hand ring finger The finger, next to the smallest finger on your hand, that you traditionally wear your wedding ring on ...
Waist: The waist is the part of the body located between the chest and the hips.Example: She cinched her waist with a belt to accentuate her figure.Legs: The legs are the parts of the body extending from the hips to the feet.
9.Do you know the (man / happy / doing) standing right there? Exercise 1.3 Give the parts of speech of the words in italics. Fill in the brackets with correct letters. 1.Use a bighammerfor thosenails. ( ) ( ) 2.Hammerthenailsin the wall andnailthe picture on the wall. ( ) (...