Melon parties (fifteen minutes out of your workday, free to eat little cubes of cantaloupe and honeydew impaled on toothpicks). The Music Dance Experience, in which innies get to choose from a variety of generic genres (“buoyant reggae”, “defiant jazz”) to accompany their allotted five...
Enamel hypoplasia in molars of sheep and goats, and its relationship to the pattern of tooth crown growth Enamel is the most highly mineralized and durable tissue of the mammalian body. As enamel does not undergo remodeling or repair, disturbances of enamel for... H Kierdorf,C Witzel,B Upex...
The African lion, Panthera leo, has, like many of the world’s megafauna, become threatened with extinction over the past century. Loss of habitat and prey, persecution in retaliation of livestock depredation, by-catch by bushmeat poachers and unsustainable trophy hunting are all documented anthrop...