LATERAL VENTRICLES THIRDVENTRICLE SUBARACHNOIDSPACE FOURTHVENTRICLE CHOROIDPLEXUS Thechoroidplexusproducesspinalfluidthat flowsthroughtheventriclesandmeninges surroundingthebrainandspinalcord. CORPUSCALLOSUM Thecorpuscallosumismadeofnervefibers, deepinthebrain,thatconnectthetwohalves ...
1. Lateral Ventricle: The first and second combined together is called the lateral ventricle; they are enclosed in the cerebral hemispheres. 2. Third Ventricle: It is present in the centre of the brain, and its walls are made up of the hypothalamus and thalamus. The pineal gland is situated...
Blood leaves which chamber of the heart to enter the lungs? Which vessel exits the right ventricle? a) aorta b) pulmonary trunk c) pulmonary artery d) carotid artery What are the organs involved in external respiration? In the thoracic cavity, how are the...
Answer to: The hypothalamus, the hippocampus, the amygdala, and parts of the thalamus make up the ___ system. a. somatosensory. b...
-While the caudate nucleus works like a brake on motor activity, the putamen is an excitatory structure. Septum Pellucidum A sheath like cover that extends over the medial wall of each lateral ventricle. May have a role in the processing of emotion Substantia Nigra (Located in the midbrain.)...
lateral ventricle侧脑室;choroid plexus脉络丛;internal capsule内囊;corpus callosum胼胝体;corpus striatum纹状体;cerebral cortex大脑皮质;hippocampal formation海马结构;limbic system边缘系统;extrapyramidal system锥体外系;cerebral dura mater硬脑膜;cavernous sinus海绵窦;epidural space硬膜外隙;subarachnoid space蛛网膜下...
geniculate body 内侧膝状体;telencephalon 端脑;lateral ventricle 侧脑室;choroid plexus 脉络丛;internal capsule 内 囊;corpus callosum 胼胝体;corpus striatum 纹状体; cerebral cortex 大脑皮质;hippocampal formation 海马结构; 第9 页 . limbic system 边缘系统;extrapyramidal system 锥体外系; ...
Identify the labeled parts of the dissected brain. The Brain: The brain is a complex structure composed of different structures. These structures typically have their own set of responsibilities, however they must coordinate with all the other parts of the brain to ensure comprehensive functioning. ...
Answer to: The largest portion, by size, of the brain is the ___. a. Brain stem. b. Cerebellum. c. Cerebrum. d. Diencephalon. e. All of the...
which also forms the roof of the oral cavity. The complex shape of the nasal cavity is due toprojectionsof bony ridges, the superior, middle, and inferiorturbinatebones (or conchae), from the lateral wall. The passageways thus formed below each ridge are called the superior, middle, and ...