Matching the word to the picture, whoever gets a consecutive row of body parts is the first winner. 9. Labeling the Body Parts While many preschoolers can’t read and write, you can still use this worksheet to verbally talk through the various body parts. You can download the printable ...
The core can be eaten. Seeds Apples have 5 to 12 tiny dark brown seeds. Yes, you can plant them and watch them grow! Get Your FREE Printable Parts of an Apple Worksheet! Use our free printable Apple diagram (free download below) to learn the Apple parts. Students can see the ...
Great for a plant theme for preschool, kindergarten and early elementary. Pin Parts of a Plant Craft With this simple craft activity, use whatever craft supplies you have on hand to make the main parts of a plant. Glue or tape the parts to our printable worksheet to name and discuss ...
Ourfree printable winter worksheets for kidsare a fun, no prep way to help teach students educational skills they will need for the future. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love this low prep activity for helping students learn about the different parts of speech...
were learningwhat are the parts of a bookI decided I’d makeplaydough matsto learn theparts of a book for kids. Simply print theparts of a book worksheetand set out some playdough to teach preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd graders thebasic parts of a book...