includes visual areas, each receiving information from the opposite visual field- portion of cortex lying at back of the head Temporal Lobes includes auditory areas, each receiving information primarily from the opposite ear- portion of cortex lying roughly above the ears Motor Cortex controls voluntar...
The Parts of the Body Les Parties du corps Head La tête Shoulder L'épaule Chest La poitrine Elbow Le coude Leg La jambe Arm Le bras Stomach L'estomac Hand La main Foot Le pied Knee Le genou The Face La Figure Hair Les cheveux Forehead Le front Ear L'oreille Mouth La bouche Eyes ...
Antecubitis front of elbow (antecubital) Brachium arm (brachial) Axilla armpit (axillary) Mentis chin (mental) Oris mouth (oral) Facies face (facial) Cephalon head (cephalic) Cranium skull (cranial) Frons forehead (frontal) Nasus nose (nasal) Oculus eye (orbital or ocular) Auris ear (otic...