-controls hormones-regulates growth-controls other endocrine glands myelin -insulates the axon of neurons axon -the branches of a neuron that passes on the messages localization of function the theory that specific parts of the brain are responsible for specific behaviors or cognitive processes關於...
- begins where the spinal cord enters the skull - oldest part & central core of the brain - connects brain & body Medulla controls heartbeat & breathing - the base of brainstem Thalamus receives sensory impulses from the body and sends them to the cerebral cortex (touch, pain, temperature)...
Midbrain (Most rostral section of brainstem)- has role in automatic reflexive behaviors dealing w/ vision and audition- site of reticular activating system; has roles in wakefulness and consciousness Olfactory Bulb and Tract (Function together as CN 1, connects to limbic system structures directly ...
parts of the human brain 单击单词卡可翻转 👆 brain autonomy recognizes three main ares of the brain. Each is responsible for different brain functions, although there is some over lap. 单击单词卡可翻转 👆 1 / 2 单词卡 学习 测试 配对...
BIO - Cardiorespiratory Function Review 27個詞語 chloe_isbell3 預覽 Brain Stem 47個詞語 Oceandream777 預覽 Lymphatic/immune + respiratory 54個詞語 nursnufnrwuf 預覽 Kin 270 (E2) Weekly quiz - skin and bone 52個詞語 rwagner266 預覽 UNIT 2 - BLOOD 老師7個詞語 Kenneth_Sigurdson 預覽 Medical ...
Found mostly in prokaryotes and are used for cell movement. Nucleus Brain of the cell that controls cell function and stores DNA. Nucleolus This is what makes ribosomes. Nuclear membrane This controls what goes in and out of the nucleus. ...
flesh caro, carnissoft tissue of the body, particularly the muscles tissue tela -aea collection of similar cells and their intercellular substances that perform a specific function epithelium also known as the tunica papillosa. types of epithelium cells: mesothelium (lines body cavities such as pl...
Structure and Function of the Respiratory System 10個詞語 Directional and planes 17個詞語 spleen 5個詞語 Andy anatomy 143個詞語 AP Lab quiz Brain 53個詞語 exam 2 92個詞語 Martini - Chapter 9 119個詞語 Unit 3 042 157個詞語 motors neurons and nerves ...
DNA Control center of bacteria cell Flagelle Part of bacteria that helps it move Eubacteria Kingdom to which common bacteria belongs Free ribosomes Suspended in cytosol, produce proteins which function in cytosol Bound ribosomes attached to the outside of the endoplasmic reticulum or nuclear envelop...
AD H II - Chapter 64 Introduction to the Integumentary System 30個詞語 Undertaker969778 預覽 Respiratory questions 56個詞語 Kim4951 預覽 q7 10個詞語 Soyun_Cho 預覽 Overview of the Integumentary System and Skin Conditions (week3) 33個詞語 kreetanabhusal 預覽 A&P Week 0 32個詞語 Elijah_Stringer...