The hypothalamus occupies a special place among the structures of the brain for it contains the centers which control the hormonal functions of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Because of its "geographical" position this phylogenetically old region of the brain is a part of two systems ...
The part of the brain controlling the anterior pituitary gland secretions is the: a) thalamus b) cerebral cortex c) hypothalamus d) cerebellum Which of the following is the part of the brain which produces emotions? A) Thalamus ...
Structure and function of the anterior pituitary and dispersed pituitary cells. In vitro studies This review gives a summary of what has been established to date on the structure and function of pituitary cells. There are five secretory cell types somatotrophs, mammotrophs or prolactin cells, go...
PI T UI TARY GL AND The pituitary gland is attached to, and receives messages from, the hypothalamus. The pitu- itary gland is composed of two lobes — the anterior and the posterior. Several hormones are produced by the pituitary including pro- lactin, corticotropin, and growth hormone. T...
Region-specific expression and hormonal regulation of the first exon variants of rat prolactin receptor mRNA in rat brain and anterior pituitary gland. Recent studies have revealed the occurrence of five first exon variants of the rat prolactin receptor mRNA, suggesting that multiple promoters direct ...
Surgery in and around the Brain Stem and the Third Ventricle || Approach Problems in Anterior Third Ventricle Tumors: Review of 33 Cases Pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESC, ES cells) of line D3 were differentiated in vitro via embryo-like aggregates (embryoid bodies) of defined cell numbe...
obturator muscle Either of the two muscles that cover the outer surface of the anterior wall of the pelvis, responsible for rotating the thighs outward. OC oral contraceptive occipital bone The curved, shield-shaped bone forming the lower rear part of the skull, enclosing the foramen magnum. ...
Twelve thoracic segments:These transmit signals from or to part of the arms and the anterior and posterior chest and abdominal areas. Five lumbar segments:These transmit signals from or to the legs and feetand some pelvic organs. Five sacral segments:These transmit signals from or to the lower...
serratus anterior前锯肌;intercostal肋间肌;diaphragm膈;obliquus externus abdominis腹外斜肌;inguinal ligament腹股沟韧带;sheath of rectus abdominis腹直肌鞘;linea alba腹白线;inguinal canal腹股沟管;inguinal triangle腹股沟三角;pectoral muscle胸肌;abdominal muscle腹肌;deltoid三角肌;biceps brachii肱二头肌;triceps...
eyebrow/brows眉毛;eyelash睫毛;eyelid眼皮/眼睑; eyeball眼珠;whiteoftheeye眼白;cornea角膜; conjunctiva结膜;iris虹膜;sclera巩膜;pupil瞳孔;choroid 脉络膜;retina视网膜;opticdisc视神经盘;maculalutea视 网膜黄斑;aqueoushumor(眼球的)水状体;lens(眼球的) 第1页 . 晶状体;vitreousbody(眼球的)玻璃体;ciliarybody(...