That’s thefuselage. 那是机身。 It’s a partof the plane. 它是飞机的一部分。 That’s thecockpit. 那是驾驶舱。 It’s a partof the plane. 它是飞机的一部分。 如绘讲解 AirCourse 哈佛外教课 百科英语 L0级别 更多英语启蒙内容请关注:如绘亲子英语启蒙 如绘个人微信:ruhui2018 更多全部 ...
What is a tail? 机尾?什么是机尾呀? Tommy: It's a part of the plane. Just like the tail of a bird, it can stabilize its flight direction. 它是飞机的一部分。就像鸟的尾巴一样,它可以稳定飞机的飞行方向。 机翼 Samba...
The following diagrams will allow you to view the basic structure and design as an introduction to the parts of an airplane. The parts of a plane are basic knowledge for all pilots. Whether you fly aCessna 172 Skyhawkor aBoeing 747,pilots must know the main sections and parts of an airpl...
Parts of an Airplane The airplane has six main parts—fuselage, wings, stabilizer (or tail plane), rudder, one or more engines, and landing gear. The fuselage is the main body of the machine, customarily streamlined in form. It usually contains control equipment, and space for passengers...
Tail Thetailofanairplane,consistingoftheverticalstabilizer,horizontalstabilizer,andrudder,helpscontroltheairplane'sdirectionandmovement.Theverticalstabilizerkeepstheairplanemovingforward,whiletherudderisusedtoturntheairplanerightorleft.Thehorizontalstabilizerisusedtocontroltheairplane'saltitudeandtopreventitfrompitchingup...
On the Conical Motion of a Two-Degree-of-Freedom Tail Inspired by the Cheetah An actuated tail can impart large angular impulse over short time spans, but swinging in a plane results in inevitable tail angle saturation. Cheetahs (Aci... A Patel,E Boje - 《IEEE Transactions on Robotics》 ...
Airplaneclassification Single-engine-landMultiengine-land Airplane Single-engine-seaMultiengine-sea Airplaneclassification Numberofwings monoplane Airplane biplane AirplanesvaryinsizeandspeedbecauseGeneralAviation(GA)doesmany,variedjobs Single-engine Twin-engine Sportplane Cargoplane Turboprop Businessjet Airplanes...
Installing structural parts of a C-87 transport plane in the tunnel of a tail fuselage section at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, ... Installing structural parts of a C-87 transport plane in the tunnel of a tail fuselage section at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation ...
soared– rose into the air; rose rapidly; flew a plane that has no engine Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree sword (sôrd) n. 1.A weapon consisting typically of a long, straight or slightly curved, pointed blade having one or tw...
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