Hydrographs of the monitoring stations have been prepared. A perusal of these hydrographs clearly indicates the continuous rise of water level. 展开 会议名称: Environmental management in mines: National seminar on status of environmental management in mining industry(SEMMI-2003), 17-18 Jan., 2003 ...
Hydrographs can be divided into seasonal segments and the slope of each segment then used as the basic element of a classification scheme. Slopes are classed as flat (inclination <20掳), obtuse (between 20 and 45掳), acute (45 and 80掳), right angled (80 and 90掳) and homoclinal (...
While it is unusual for such a heavy rain event here in July, there were several clues this was coming, and it was forecast many days in advance. This atmospheric sounding from the evening of July 7th shows how moist the atmosphere was over the region. Also shown are fairly light winds ...
This paper presents the development of unit and runoff hydrographs for the Awun, Ogunpa and Wuruma Rivers. Unit hydrographs were developed based on the synthetic methods; Snyder, SCS and Gray. The SCS curve Number method was used to estimate the cumulative excess rainfall values for storm ...
inf1uence of the spatia1 variabi1ity of rainfa11 on hydrograph mode11ing at catchment out1et a case study in the cevennes region france The influence of rainfall spatial variability on hydrographs modelling at catchment outlet remains an open scientific debate. > @ have proposed rainfall variabi...