Often, the Schedule K-1 packages are lengthy, containing not only federal information that needs to be accounted for on the investor’s tax return but also foreign reporting and state income tax reporting. Investments in PTPs can cause investors to file additional foreign reporting forms such as...
If I've taken the ACT and I want to retake one or two sections of the exam to bring up my score, can I? + Can I take the ACT online? + How will I know if a test is cancelled? + Am I required to wear a mask? + What can I do if I cannot wear a mask? + ...
The Court acknowledged that under Section 932(c) a bona fide resident is only required to file his tax returns with VIBIR and such a filing starts the statute of limitations running citing Senate Finance Committee report stating that all bona fide Virgin island residents will file their returns...
Suitland High School administrator Eileen Mayfield can be seen on the ground in the school building tugging on a student in a gray shirt, yelling “I’m going to kill y’all” and attempting to grab what looks to be a hair weave component. ...
The interview questions required the participants to reflect on their experience of attending the two partnership sessions and encouraged them to discuss what they perceived as the key characteristics of an effective partnership model. The interview also encouraged participants to evaluate the impact that...